I was engaged in work of the welfare as a public employee until I became a minister of Tokai church in April, 2019. I performed support to handicapped persons, children who were treated cruelly, and women who were damaged by DV.


I thought that I had a limit even if I snuggled up to a person's story hard.

I thought there were lack of somethings even if I connected sy with the necessary system or peope who support to do as much as possible.


That time I wanted any person to know that there is God near by and loves anybody at any time. God loves each of you and it is the most important thing for you.


This is because the one meets it in the most necessary thing, an important thing for one one. God wraps you in love even you are sad or your life is hard. I will find the love and would like to share it together.


1978 日本女子大学文学部社会福祉学科に入学。

1980 洗礼を受ける。

1982 豊島区に児童厚生職として採用される。

1983 豊島区を退職、東京都に福祉職として採用される。

2015 巣鴨ときわ教会の伝道師になる。

2016 渋谷区恵比寿にある豊沢教会の伝道師となる。

2017 正教師試験に合格、副牧師となる。

2019 3月退職。4月、東海教会の牧師になる。